(13) Not serve as a professional counselor or provide professional advice or counseling services,
even if the Ombudsman is professionally trained to provide these services;
(14) Not develop or maintain records on individual family members beyond information and
referral to services and programs. Forward information and referral data collected, on a
monthly basis, to the CO/OINC. Names of referrals will not be included in this report, only
the number of referral and services used;
(15) Ensure confidentiality of information provided by family members is maintained and
information is provided to unit personnel strictly on a need-to-know basis;
(16) Attend annual training for updates to this Instruction and guidance on implementation of the
Ombudsman program;
(17) Keep expense logs and receipts for reimbursement;
(18) At the discretion of the CO/OINC, represent the unit on boards or committees that provide
support for the unit and families;
(19) Serve on an Ombudsman advisory committee (see enclosure (2)) when such committee is
designated by the CO/OINC; and
(20) Promote interagency cooperation and information sharing.
i. Ombudsman-at-Large shall:
(1) Communicate regularly with the Ombudsman Program Manager (CG-1112) concerning the
Ombudsman Program;
(2) Serve as an advocate between the ISC Work-Life Ombudsman Program Coordinator and the
Unit Ombudsmen within their AOR;
(3) Submit an annual travel schedule reflective of visits to Coast Guard units, unit Ombudsmen
and family members to the Ombudsman Program Manager (CG-1112) for approval and
(4) Attend training and/or meetings relevant to their role as lead Ombudsman and ensure
invitational orders are approved prior to travel in accordance with reference (e);
(5) Provide an informational trip report after any unit visit when requested by the Commandant
and/or by the Ombudsman Program Manager (CG-1112). Copies shall be provided to both
a. Commanding Officers and Officers-in-Charge shall: