Enclosure (4) to COMDTINST 16711.1
2. Monitor and coordinate the activities of the field units within their AOR to enhance
passenger vessel safety (incident prevention). Provide program training and policy
interpretation to field and feedback to headquarters concerning policy and program
implementation concerns expressed by the field.
3. Work with the regional passenge r vessel industry, federal, and state regulatory agencies
to promote, and maintain effective standards for passenger and crew evacuation,
lifesaving, fire prevention and fire fighting, vessel and terminal security, vessel
construction, inspection, crew tra ining and qualifications, and vessel movement control.
Ensure Coast Guard field personnel are fully aware of and equipped to execute
prevention programs in cooperation with industry and the public.
4. Promote risk-based decision- making within industry regarding company and vessel
management, operations, and maintenance.
5. In cooperation with the response community, use risk-based methodology to identify
realistic passenger vessel casualty scenarios, including people, property and environment
put at risk by those scenarios. Develop strategies and tactics that can be practicably
applied in mitigating those risks, and define a clear delineation of roles and
responsibilities in executing those strategies and tactics.
6. Involve and garner consensus o f the entire response community to the extent practicable
including Coast Guard Marine Safety & Operations units.
i. Marine Safety units have responsibility for coordinating with and accessing response
management, firefighting and salvage resources for all incidents (including but not
limited to: local/state fire and police and emergency management agencies, other
federal agency emergency response personnel, industry responders including
firefighting and salvage providers).
ii. Operations units have responsibility for coordinating with and accessing search and
rescue resources for all incidents including air and surface search and search platforms
and for identifying and requesting assistance from commercial vessels in the immediate
vicinity of an incident.
7. Improve MRO OPLAN and work with field units to ensure compatibility with existing
field level planning documents/doctrine. (e.g., OP Plans, Area Contingency Plans).
8. Promote training programs within the Coast Guard and the local response community so
that response personnel are adequately trained to work cooperatively under the Incident
Command and Unified Command System.
9. Work with district and field unit contingency/exercise planning staffs to periodically
exercise the contingency and emergency response strategies with the local response
community and all stakeholders.