Enclosure (4) to COMDTINST 16711.1
12. Periodically visit and participate in exercises that test Passenger Vessel Emergency
B. Program Manager, Passenger Vessel Mass Rescue Operations (MRO) Activities@ G-OPR
1. Manage Coast Guard MRO responsibilities under the National Search and Rescue Plan,
coordinate MRO issues with other parties to the Plan, and resolve MRO matters within
the scope of both the National SAR Plan and the Federal Response Plan.
2. Identify shortfalls and problems associated with MROs and initiate Search And Rescue
(SAR) program action to address these issues.
3. Develop HQ policy for inclusion in Commandant directives and publications covering
responsibilities of the Coast Guard's SAR system for MRO contingency planning,
exercises and response and monitor field implementation of the same.
4. Coordinate passenger vessel safety and MRO partnership activities between "M" and "O"
offices at CG headquarters.
5. Coordinate with Commandant (G-OPF), (G-MOR), (G-MOC), other Headquarters
offices, field units and industry to develop a national schedule for conducting required
passenger vessel safety and MRO field and tabletop exercises.
6. Provide input to Commandant (G-OPF), (G-MOR), and (G-MOC) in their development
of MRO contingency plans and related policies.
7. Work in partnership with industry (ex: International Council of Cruise Lines, Passenger
Vessel Association, etc.) to develop, coordinate and represent Coast Guard policies and
positions related to pertinent passenger vessel SAR and MRO issues.
8. Sponsor and support the work of NSARC and other SAR organizations in their efforts in
planning and sponsoring MRO exercises, conferences, and workshops.
9. Foster international engagement on MRO issues:
i. Engage with international stakeholders on SAR exercises and agreements
ii. Participate in international exercises
iii. Ensure updated response guidance on MROs incorporated into the
appropriate governing documents (e.g. IAMSAR Manual)
iv. Assist in developing U. S. positions and ensure national compliance with relevant
treaty obligations and with applicable IMO standards
10. Identify strategic methods for improving overall national readiness for handling MROs,
including changes in organizational, operational, and technological processes.