Enclosure (3) to COMDTINST 16711.1
Program Description
For all U.S. passenger vessels inspected under Subchapters K, T and H and all foreign
flagged passenger vessels (categories (a) and (b) of this program respectively), the Coast
Guard will:
1. Use risk-based methodology to identify realistic passenger vessel casualty scenarios,
and people, property and environment put at risk by those scenarios. Develop strategies
and tactics that can be practicably applied in mitigating those risks, and identify clear
delineation of roles and responsibilities in executing those strategies and tactics.
2. Develop plans and implement procedures to prevent the occurrence of a mass personnel
casualty incident involving a passenger vessel.
3. Leverage Coast Guard "M" and "O" resources to engage partners and stakeholders to
mitigate a casualty if it were to occur.
4. Develop a schedule of response/evacuation exercises to enhance readiness for casualty
5. Develop emergency preparedness and exercise evaluation criteria that address Human
Factors, emergency equipment availability and deployment, crew performance,
management structure, and effectiveness of plans and procedures.
6. Promote crew training and competence aboard passenger vessels.
7. Train the various elements of the emergency response system for maritime response
8. Implement new programs to reduce deaths, injuries and property damage resulting from
passenger vessel incidents.
For all uninspected passenger vessels carrying 6 or fewer passengers and regulated under
Subchapter C (category (c) of this program), the Coast Guard will:
1. Conduct awareness and outreach programs to educate the impacted industry.
2. Work with State and local agencies to set-up cooperative compliance enforcement
programs, as applicable.
3. Leverage Coast Guard resources such as Coast Guard Auxiliary and Coast Guard
Reserve to achieve safety objectives.