Enclosure (2) to COMDTINST 16451.1
Costs. In most cases, the incremental portion is limited to fuel and maintenance costs.
Other facility costs (i.e. personnel) and costs associated with field operational support, i.e.
administrative support and depreciation, are considered fixed and shall not be included for
primary agency.
Cost Documentation/Cost Reimbursement Procedures.
Units shall submit cost reimbursement requests in letter format with supporting
documentation to the NPFC. Information copies of this request should be provided to the
cognizant District (m) office and to Commandant (G-MOR). Where appropriate, Group
Commanders and Activities Commanding Officers are authorized to submit consolidated
requests for their units and any attached personnel and equipment officially assigned from
other units.
Units shall segregate cost reimbursement requests by CPN number with MA/task number
For MAs with multiple amendments, units should submit a separate cost reimbursement
request for each amendment and may bill incrementally against any amendment.
Units shall submit cost reimbursement requests to the NPFC with accompanying cost
documentation in accordance with the Resource Documentation and Cost Documentation
Technical Operating Procedures (TOPS), NPFCINST 16451.2.
Basic requirements of the letter/supporting documentation to accompany the Pollution
Incident Completion Report:
(1) Description of scope of work assigned.
(2) The Emergency Support Function number (ESF-10), if applicable, or FEMA program
which the MA is supporting.
(3) FEMA Disaster Number, RFA number, and CERCLA Project Number (CPN).
(4) Brief description of mission(s) completed (i.e. site summary) with a breakdown of
(5) Unit(s) providing support.