Enclosure (3) to COMDTINST 16451.1
FEMA officials may not approve reimbursement of costs incurred while performing work pursuant
to disaster assistance authorities independent of the Stafford Act. Additionally, expenses incurred in
performance of an activity not directed and approved by FEMA or otherwise beyond the statement
of work and funding limitation of an approved tasking will not be eligible for reimbursement.
Requests for reimbursement (SF 1080, SF 1081 and On-Line Payments and Collection (OPAC)
system) must be submitted to this office in accordance with Section 206.8 of the previously cited
regulations and contain sufficient detailed information on which to base an approval. The request
for reimbursement will be accompanied by documentation which specifically details personnel
services, travel, equipment, and all other expenses by object class, as specified in OMB Circular A-
11, and by any sub-object classification used in the agency's accounting system. All reimbursement
requests should cite the specific letter of activation, tasking number, and funding limitation under
which the tasking was performed.
Any single item for materials, equipment, or supplies costing
,000.00 or more must be
specifically identified and referenced to a material requisition number, purchase order number,
canceled check, or voucher number. Prior to final billing, non-expendable materials, equipment,
and supplies purchased in accomplishment of this mission will be properly accounted for and either
turned over to FEMA, or retained by your office with an appropriate reduction indicated in the
request for reimbursement. This does not apply to computer and telecommunications equipment
which must be turned over to FEMA.
The final billing for this assignment should be received within 60 days of tasking unless by prior
agreement with FEMA. This bill should be clearly identified as a final bill to facilitate closing of
this tasking once final payment has been forwarded to your agency.
All financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and other documents pertinent to
the assignment shall be retained and shall be accessible to duly authorized representatives of FEMA
and the U.S. Comptroller General in accordance with the General Services Administration Record
Retention Schedules.
If you wish to dispute your agency's claims for reimbursement, please forward a request for
resolution to Mr. James Lee Witt, Director, FEMA, 500 C. St. SW, Washington, DC 20472.
In accordance with the provisions of Title 44, CFR, Section 206.11, you shall assure that the
activities authorized to be performed by RFA's and amendments are accomplished in an equitable
and impartial manner without discrimination.