Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 16451.1
tracking unit and MA project administrator to keep abreast of funding status in order to assure
required funding is available when needed and that excess funds are de-obligated when appropriate.
This unit also receives billings for tasks, coordinates with the MA administrator to verify
reimbursement, and liquidates obligated funds.
6. Mission Assignment (MA).
A work order issued to a Federal agency by a FEMA Regional Director, Associate Director for
State and Local Programs and Support, FEMA Director, or a designee thereof, directing the
completion by that agency of a specified task and citing funding, other managerial controls, and
guidance. A MA usually applies to operations carried out under a Presidential declaration of major
disaster or emergency, but is also used for other incidents for which FEMA requests assistance
directly from the Coast Guard. The MA letter becomes an interagency agreement, contract or
obligating document between FEMA and the agency and the basis for any future reimbursement for
materials and services provided to FEMA.
7. Mission Assignment Cover Letter.
The section of the written MA addressed to a Federal agency pre-designated representative which
establishes requirements or criteria to be followed, other managerial controls, and guidance. It
includes the date; disaster fund citation; disaster identification (if assigned); language activating the
receiving agency to receive and execute tasks; and financial management standards on
reimbursement, billing, advance of funds, property accountability, and documentation
8. Mission Assignment Project Administrator.
Individual (normally a FEMA representative) responsible for monitoring and evaluating the status
of a tasking or a set of tasks to other federal agencies; reviewing the accuracy of cost estimates
against actual expenditures and the need to obligate or de-obligate funds; reviewing reports on the
status of funding; reporting on the status of tasks as directed by the Regional Director; verifying
that the goods and/or services billed for reimbursement by other federal agencies represent eligible
costs, that goods and/or services were received or performed as requested, and billed at reasonable
cost; and approving payment of bills. Verifies that other federal agencies are providing assistance