Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 16451.1
1. Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act,
Public Law (P.L.) 93-288, as amended by P.L. 100-707. Also known as the Stafford Act, provides
authority for the Federal Government to respond to disasters and emergencies in order to provide
assistance to save lives and protect health, safety and property. A Presidential declaration of a
major disaster or emergency activates the Federal Response Plan.
2. Federal Response Plan (FRP), for P.L. 93-288, as amended, April 1992. The Federal
Response Plan (Plan), is the document signed by the major federal agencies to effect the provisions
of the Stafford Act. The Plan uses a functional approach to group the types of Federal assistance
which a state is most likely to need under twelve Emergency Support Functions (ESFs). Each ESF
is headed by a primary/lead agency which is responsible for coordinating specific activities and
ensuring that assigned missions are accomplished. Agencies may also be designated as support
agencies for one or more ESF based on their resources and capabilities to support a functional area.
3. FEMA Federal Approving Official.
Individual who has the authority to approve requests from the state for direct Federal assistance and
otherwise obligate FEMA to an expenditure of funds for reimbursement to other federal agencies
for activities performed in support of Federal disaster operations. This individual is the regional
director, Associate Director for State and Local Programs and Support, FEMA director, or any
designee thereof.
4. Federal Coordinating Officer (FCO).
The senior Federal official (normally a FEMA representative) appointed to coordinate the overall
response and recovery activities. The FCO represents the President for the purpose of coordinating
the administration of Federal relief activities in the designated area.
5. Financial Management Unit.
The FEMA unit responsible for recording the obligation of funds upon receipt of the MA cover
letter, Schedule A attachment, and the signed request for federal resource assistance form. This