Encl: (2) to COMDTINST 1610.1
Q7 Does the ban on hazing and unit initiations include practical jokes like sending a new crew
member for a bucket of prop wash?
ANS No. Practical jokes can provide a means of acceptance and by themselves do not constitute
hazing. However, when practical jokes are used to ridicule, isolate and exclude Service members,
especially when personnel have objected, the practice may result in a violation of the hazing policy
statement. Common sense must be used at all times. If the commanding officer determines that a
practical joke has resulted in a violation of the hazing policy statement, the commanding officer is
required to take appropriate action.
Q8 How is a hazing policy going to prevent future incidents?
ANS The purpose of publishing a policy statement was to make all personnel aware of what
does/does not constitute hazing. That, coupled with a knowledge of the consequences for violating
the policy, will work toward eliminating hazing in the Coast Guard.