Encl: (1) to COMDTINST 1610.1
The practice of hazing will not be tolerated in the U.S. Coast Guard. Aside from serving no useful
purpose, the demeaning and abusive activities associated with hazing inhibit performance, debase
personal dignity, and can result in serious injury. To prevent it, we must develop an awareness of
what constitutes hazing and understand the negative impact of such activities.
Although a general definition is difficult to provide it typically occurs in connection with various
impromptu and unsupervised "initiations" and is the result of the erroneous perception that the
event gives license to subject an individual to personal abuse. Examples include: tacking on of
crowns, throwing personnel over the side from a ship or pier, application of grease, oil, or other
noxious substances on a member's body, forcing consumption or encouragement to consume
excessive quantities of alcohol, shaving of heads or removal of body hair, offensive hitting,
slapping or touching another individual and any other action which subjects an individual to
ridicule or embarrassment.
Some incidents of hazing have been condoned as unit initiations or innocent jest without intent to
harm. Although the actions or verbal harassment may be considered humorous by some observers,
they often create a real fear in the minds of the victims. Further, they undermine the very morale
and "Esprit de Corps" they purport to advance.
Traditional service "initiation ceremonies," including Chief Petty Officer and crossing the equator,
dateline, Arctic and Antarctic Circle initiations are authorized. However, Commanding Officers
shall ensure these events do not include any degradation of character, sexual overtones, bodily
harm or undue harassment.
Hazing constitutes military misconduct and its prevention is an all hands responsibility. Victims
and casual observers shall report all violations of this policy. There is no place in the Coast Guard
for dehumanizing treatment and every incident of hazing shall be investigated and appropriate
disciplinary action initiated against the perpetrators, including those in the chain of command who
tacitly condone such practices either by their inaction or by neglecting to investigate reported
suspected incidents.
Our success as an organization very much depends on our people. A healthy, positive and
professional work environment is essential to enable each of us to contribute. Strong support of
this policy will help us maintain such an environment.