The Superintendent, U. S. Coast Guard Academy and Commanding Officers of Training
Center Cape May and Reserve Training Center Yorktown shall incorporate hazing
awareness training into existing recruit and leadership training curriculums for all new
The Superintendent, U. S. Coast Guard Academy and the Commanding Officer Training
Center Petaluma shall incorporate hazing awareness training into the Prospective
Commanding Officer/Executive Officer Course, the Chief Petty Officer Academy, and
the Officer in Charge/Executive Petty Officer Course, and the Officer and Senior Petty
Officer Leadership and Management Courses.
Area and district commanders, commanders of maintenance and logistics commands,
unit commanding officers and officers in charge, and Commander, Activities Europe
shall ensure all assigned personnel have completed one time Hazing Awareness
Training, however, commanders are encouraged to incorporate the training into the
annual unit training schedule. Materials needed to conduct Hazing Awareness Training
may be obtained by contacting the Leadership & Management School at Training
Center Petaluma.
Persons believing that they are victims of hazing or persons observing or having
knowledge of acts, or instances of hazing have the obligation to bring the facts to the
immediate attention of the appropriate authority within the chain of command.
Notification may also be made directly to the Command Enlisted Advisor or another
command representative.
Commanding officers receiving complaints of, or information concerning hazing have a
responsibility to investigate and to take prompt effective action. In dealing with hazing,
commands have a wide variety of procedures available, depending on the specific
circumstances of the incident. One function of command, and a challenge to that
command's leadership capabilities, is to fit the appropriate command response to each
particular situation. Available remedies range from counselling to administrative
discharge proceedings. Additionally, specific acts of 2