Encl: (2) to COMDTINDST 1610.1
ANS The severe nature of the incidents described in enclosure (2) helped bring this issue to the
forefront. When initial inquiries regarding the magnitude of the Servicewide problem were made,
the prevailing opinion of most Coast Guard members was that hazing was not a widespread
problem and that these were just isolated incidents. However, further research revealed that hazing
was more widespread than initially believed. The Hazing Policy Statement (enclosure (1)) was
developed to make our personnel aware of the problem and its consequences.
Q2 Why does the Coast Guard still allow chief's initiations? Don't chief's initiations expose people
to indignity and humiliation?
ANS Chief's initiations are OPTIONAL for those individuals who WILLINGLY participate, and
are conducted by experienced personnel with extensive service and a clear understanding of
Service norms, morals, values, and respect for individual dignity. Both the individual and those
conducting the initiation know the purpose and meaning of the "rite of passage to chief." It is a non-
threatening experience. Once the initiation is completed, all participants dress in their uniform for
a formal presentation, reading of the Chief Petty Officer's Creed, and pinning on of rank devices.
The Creed and final stages of the initiation enhance individual self-esteem and explain why the
indignities were imposed upon the initiatee. These initiations are attended by command leadership
personnel who are totally responsible for ensuring that there is no degradation of character, sexual
overtones, bodily harm or undue harassment.
Q3 Why does the Coast Guard still allow crossing the equator, dateline, Arctic and Antarctic
Circle initiations? Don't they include physical contact and actions which can be degrading and