Sec. 401. Acquisition Planning. In developing plans, drawings, work statements, specifications, or other
product descriptions, agencies shall consider the following factors: elimination of virgin material requirements; use
of recovered materials; reuse of product; life cvcle cost; recyclability; use of environmentally preferable products;
waste prevention (including toxicity reduction or elimination); and ultimate disposal, as appropriate. These factors
should be considered in acquisition planning for all procurements and in the evaluation and award of contracts, as
appropriate. Program and acquisition managers should take an active role in these activities.
Sec. 402. Affirmative Procurement Programs. The head of each Executive agency shall develop and
implement affirmative procurement programs in accordance with RCRA section 6002 (42 U.S.C. 6962) and this
order. Agencies shall ensure that responsibilities for preparation, implementation and monitoring of affirmative
procurement programs are shared between the program personnel and procurement personnel. For the purposes of all
purchases made pursuant to this order, EPA, in consultation with such other Federal agencies as appropriate, shall
endeavor to maximize environmental benefits, consistent with price, performance and availability considerations, and
shall adjust bid solicitation guidelines as necessary in order to accomplish this goal.
(a) Agencies shall establish affirmative procurement programs for all designated EPA guideline items
purchased by their agency. For newly designated items, agencies shall revise their internal programs within one year
from the date EPA-designated the new items.
(b) For the currently designated EPA guideline items, which are: (i) concrete and cemerit containing fly ash;
(ii) recycled paper products; (iii) re-refined lubricating oil; (iv) retread tires; and (v) insulation containing recovered
materials; and for all future guideline items, agencies shall ensure that their affirmative procurement programs
require that 100 percent of their purchases of products meet or exceed the EPA guideline standards unless written