Sec. 603. Review of Implementation. The President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency ("PCIE") will
request that the Inspectors General periodically review agencies' affirmative procurement programs and reporting
procedures to ensure their compliance with this order.
Sec. 701. Contractor Operated Facilities. Contracts that provide for contractor operation of a government-
owned or leased facility, awarded after the effective date of this order, shall include provisions that obligate the
contractor to comply with the requirements of this order within the scope of its operations. In addition, to the extent
permitted by law and where economically feasible, existing contracts should be modified.
Sec. 702. Real Property Acquisition and Management. Within 90 days after the effective date of this order,
and to the extent permitted by law and where economically feasible, Executive agencies shall ensure compliance with
the provisions of this order in the acquisition and management of Federally owned and leased space. GSA and other
Executive agencies shall also include environmental and recycling provisions in the acquisition of all leased space
and in the construction of new federal buildings.
Sec. 703. Retention of Funds. Within 90 days after the effective date of this order, the Administrator of
GSA shall develop a legislative proposal providing authority for Executive agencies to retain a share of the proceeds
from the sale of materials recovered through recycling or waste prevention programs and specifying the eligibility
requirements for the materials being recycled.
Sec. 704. Model Facility Programs. Each Executive department and major procuring agency shall establish
model facility demonstration programs that include comprehensive waste prevention and recycling programs and
emphasize the procurement of recycled and environmentally preferable products and services using an electronic data
interchange (EDI) system.
Sec. 705. Recycle Programs. Each Executive agency that has not already done so shall initiate a program to
promote cost effective waste prevention and recycling of reusable materials in all of its facilities. The recycling
programs implemented pursuant to this section must be compatible with applicable State and local recycling