Sec. 404. Electronic Acquisition System. To reduce waste by eliminating unnecessary paper transactions in the
acquisition process and to foster accurate data collection and reporting of agencies' purchases of recycled content and
environmentally preferred products, the Executive Branch will implement an electronic commerce system consistent
with the recommendations adopted as a result of the National Performance Review.
Sec. 501. Specifications. Product Descriptions and Standards. Where applicable, Executive agencies shall review
and revise Federal and military specifications, product descriptions and standards to enhance Federal procurement of
products made from recovered materials or that are environmentally preferable. When converting to a Commercial
Item Description (CID), agencies shall ensure that environmental factors have been considered and that the CID
meets or exceeds the environmentally preferable criteria of the government specification or product description.
Agencies shall report annually on their compliance with this section to the Federal Environmental Executive for
incorporation into the annual report to OMB referred to in section 301 of this order.
(a) If an inconsistency with RCRA Section 6002 or this order is identified in a specification, standard, or
product description, the Federal Environmental Executive shall request that the Environmental Executive of the
pertinent agency advise the Federal Environmental Executive as to why the specification cannot be revised or submit
a plan for revising it within 60 days.
(b) If an agency is able to revise an inconsistent specification but cannot do so within 60 days, it is the
responsibility of that agency's Environmental Executive to monitor and implement the plan for revising it.
Sec. 502. Designation of Items that Contain Recovered Materials. In order to expedite the process of designating
items that are or can be made with recovered materials, EPA shall institute a new process for designating these items
in accordance with RCRA section 6002(e) as follows. (a) EPA shall issue a Comprehensive Procurement Guideline
containing designated items that are or can be made with recovered materials.
(1) The proposed guideline shall be published for public comment in the Federal Register within 180 days
after the effective date of this order and shall be updated annually after publication for comment to include additional
(2) Once items containing recovered materials have been designated by EPA through the new process
established pursuant to this section and in compliance with RCRA section 6002, agencies shall modify their
affirmative procurement programs to require that, to the maximum extent practicable, their purchases of products