(1) RESERVE CATEGORY This data element represents the type of reserve category that
applies to the employee. The values are:
E Reservists who are exempt from call-up.
I Into key position.
O Out of key position.
R Ready Reserve.
S Standby Reserve.
X Retired Reserve.
Y Retired Regular.
Z Disabled veterans or veterans age 60 and above.
(2) RESERVE COMPONENT This data element represents the employee's reserve military
component. The values are:
A U.S. Army Reserve
F U.S. Air Force Reserve
G Army National Guard
K Air National Guard
M U.S. Marine Corps Reserve
N U.S. Navy Reserve
P U.S. Coast Guard Reserve
(3) RESERVE DATE This data element represents the date the employee moved into or out
of a key position, in year-month-day (YYMMDD) order.
9. RESOLUTION OF ASSIGNMENT CONFLICTS. Whenever a civilian is assigned to a key
position, G-WPC must ascertain the incumbent's reserve status, and if necessary, initiate one of the
actions described below, to resolve any conflict between reserve status and assignment to the
position in question.
a. Transfer a Key Employee from the Ready Reserves. Upon determination that a key employee is
a Reservist, G-WPC should promptly report that determination to the cognizant military reserve
personnel center (see enclosure (2)), requesting that the employee be removed from the Ready
Reserve. The letter format shown in enclosure (3) should be used for making such requests. The
responsible military reserve personnel center will determine whether the employee will be