(b) Does the position require technical or managerial skills that are possessed uniquely by
the incumbent?
(c) Is the position directly associated with defense mobilization?
(d) Does the position include a mobilization or relocation assignment in an Agency
having emergency functions, as designated under reference (f)?
(e) Is the position directly associated with industrial or manpower mobilization, as
designated under reference (g)?
Are there other factors related to national defense, health, or safety that would make
the incumbent unavailable for mobilization?
(3) It is important to note that "key positions" need not necessarily be high-graded. As the
work force becomes increasingly technologically sophisticated, it will be more difficult to
effectively refill, during a mobilization, those positions, which require incumbents with
highly technical skills. Technicians and specialists may therefore, occupy many key
b. Key Position Nomination Process. Requests to identify positions as key are to be initiated by the
area or district commander, commander of maintenance and logistics command, commanding
officer of a headquarters unit; or by a Headquarters Flag/SES-level official if the request covers
a Headquarters position, then forwarded directly to the appropriate Headquarters program
manager (i.e., Assistant Commandant or equivalent level for programs under their control), who
will make the final determination of (i.e., approve) key positions. Positions directly supervised
by the Headquarters program manager, and positions for which agreement cannot be reached
will be referred to Commandant (G-CCS) for resolution. All final determinations will be
submitted to G-WPC for processing and entry into the Civilian Personnel Management
Information System (CIVPMIS), and for notifying Commandant (G-CPA-2).
c. Identifying Ready Reservists in Key Positions. Each year the Coast Guard is provided a list
from the Defense Manpower Data Center of those Coast Guard civilian employees who are
members of the Ready Reserve and therefore have a military mobilization obligation.
Commandant (G-WPC) will distribute such listings to Command Staff Advisors for use in
conjunction with appropriate information from the CIVPMIS as the basis for surveying and
identifying Ready Reservists who occupy key positions. G-WPC shall review such lists; in
consonance with specific instructions received at the time of the survey, to identify all affected
employees, including those addressed in paragraph 7.d. To ensure a comprehensive
identification process, G-WPC will query each new employee at the time of accession to
determine the individual's reserve status, and will advise the employee regarding the screening
process and any potential personal impact. In addition, G-WPC will also query all employees on
an annual basis regarding their reserve status.
d. Other Screening Requirements. The annual screening required in paragraph 7.c. shall include
procedures to identify individuals in any of the following categories: