Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 12910.1A
1. Key Employee. Any Federal employee occupying a key position.
2. Key Position. A Federal position that shall not be vacated during a national emergency or
mobilization without SERIOUSLY impairing the capability of the parent Federal Agency or
office to function effectively.
3. Mobilization. Involuntary call-up of reserve component members in accordance with reference
(a). This includes full mobilization, partial mobilization, and selective mobilization (Presidential
Reserve Call-Up Authority).
4. Ready Reserve. Reservists who are liable for immediate involuntary recall to active duty either
by the President (with or without a declaration of a state of national emergency) or by the
President and Congress (if Congress declares a state of war or national emergency).
5. Standby Reserve. Reservists, other than those in the Ready or Retired Reserves, who will be
mobilized if it determined that there is a lack of qualified reservists to meet requirements. The
Standby Reserve consists of personnel who are maintaining their military affiliation without
being in the Ready Reserve.
6. Retired Reserve. Retired members of the Armed Forces Reserve Components who are liable
for recall to active duty.
7. Retired Regular. Retired members of the Armed Forces Regular Components who are liable
for recall to active duty.