4. DEFINITIONS. Most commonly referred to definitions. See Enclosure (1).
a. References (a-e) require Federal agencies to conduct an annual survey of employees in the
Ready Reserve, and to identify key positions and key employees under criteria established for
the screening. After a mobilization is ordered, no deferment, delay, or exemption from
mobilization will be granted to Ready Reservists because of their civilian employment.
Accordingly, agencies must develop appropriate plans to provide for the continuation of
essential operations in the event of mobilization of the Ready Reserve.
b. The Coast Guard is required to report to the appropriate military service the name of any Ready
Reservist who occupies a key position and is identified as a key employee. To avoid conflicting
mobilization assignments, the military service concerned will determine whether the employee
will be removed from the Ready Reserve or transferred from the Ready Reserve to the Standby
Reserve. The decision of the military service is ordinarily final.
a. Every civilian position shall be evaluated annually for designation as a key position. Every
civilian employee who occupies a key position, shall verify on an annual basis, whether he or she
is a member of the Ready Reserve; and
b. Members of the Ready Reserve shall not occupy key civilian positions on a permanent basis.
Civilian employees who occupy key positions may be members of the Standby Reserve (active
status or inactive status) or Retired Reserve; and
c. Mobilization plans must cover continuation of essential operations in the event civilian
employees, who are members of the Ready reserve, are recalled to active duty for up to 2 years.
a. Screening for Key Positions.
(1) Upon a schedule to be determined by Commandant (G-WPC), area and district
commanders, commanders of maintenance and logistics commands, commanding officers
of integrated support commands, commanding officers of headquarters units, assistant
commandants for directorates, Chief Counsel and special staff elements at Headquarters
shall annually survey all civilian positions to identify, using nomination procedures
addressed in paragraph 7.b., those positions that are or should be designated as a "key
(2) In determining whether or not a position should be designated as a "key position," the
following questions should be considered:
(a) Can the position be filled in a reasonable time after mobilization?