Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 12630.1
arranged time), establish telecommunication contact, determine reasonableness of work
output for the time spent, or use other appropriate certification methods.
HOME OFFICE SPACE. Employees must have a designated work space to work at home
and communicate easily by telephone during the work day. The Coast Guard will not
provide home office furnishings. Each employee must complete a self-certification check
list for home work space to ensure it meets health, safety, building code, physical security
and other requirements. A supervisor may deny an employee the opportunity to
participate or rescind a telecommuting agreement based on safety or security problems in
the home. Supervisors may inspect homes by appointment. Enclosure (3) is a required
safety check list and enclosure (4) a required security check list.
G. FAMILY CARE. Telecommuting is not a substitute for child or elder care. The
opportunity to telecommute is offered only with the understanding the telecommuting
work site is a space and time exclusively for work.
H. INFORMATION AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT. Information and records processed
are subject to the maintenance and disposition authority cited in COMDTINST M5212.12,
Paperwork Management Manual. Employees shall manage all such information and data
processed according to applicable U.S. Coast Guard regulations.
specific requirement or obligation for additional telecommuting computer or
telecommunications resources to support this initiative.
B. HOME TELECOMMUNICATIONS COSTS. Home telephone costs associated with
work at home may be reimbursable. Any reimbursement authorized is the sponsoring
unit's or office's responsibility. Local units may reimburse telephone and
telecommunications costs, including official long distance calls, based on statutory
authority and availability of sponsoring unit funds. Use of FTS 2000 Calling Cards and
FTS 2000 toll-free (800) numbers for telecommuting is prohibited. Units desiring long-
distance telecommunications access for telecommuting should obtain calling cards or toll-
free numbers from their local telephone companies (Regional Bell Operating Company) or
long-distance companies and charge them against the unit's AFC 30 account. Also, the
Coast Guard will not presently pay for any Intemet Service Provider (ISP) or on-line
services associated with telecommuting.