(cont'd) Act/Superfund Amendment Reauthorization Acts
(CERCLA/SARA). If overtime is being performed on such an
emergency basis, funding is available from the Oil Spill Liability Trust
Fund or Superfund, respectively, to reimburse AFC-08 for overtime
costs. Paid overtime is appropriate for these instances, and compensatory
time off should be used only when legislated annual pay caps will be
exceeded by the individual employee. Specific instructions are provided
in enclosure (4).
Identification of Funding Source. The source of funding for each civilian
employee is identified in the Civilian Personnel Management Information
System (CIVPMIS). All payroll-related costs (e.g., salary, overtime, pay
differentials, benefits, awards, etc.) are based on the appropriation and AFC
information indicated in CIVPMIS. Identified errors should be corrected
through the involvement and participation of the servicing civilian personnel
office and its CIVPMIS manager.
Time and Attendance and Related Documentation. Regular Overtime worked
by an employee shall be recorded on the T&A as prescribed by reference (d).
Administratively Uncontrollable Overtime will be approved on an individual
basis and will be recorded in the CIVPMIS against the data element AUO PCT
and any other associated data elements.
ACTION. Area and district commanders, commanders of maintenance and logistics
commands, unit commanding officers, and chiefs of offices and special staff divisions in
Headquarters shall comply with the contents of this Instruction when approving civilian