Monetary Limits on Paid Overtime.
Operating Expenses (OE).
General Schedule and Related Employees - Overtime limits for
employees paid from AFC-08 are established and announced by
Commandant (G-PC) annually by ALDIST or E-Mail. Further
guidance is provided in enclosure (2). The limits provided are
segregated according to the type of overtime performed.
Firefighter overtime is exempted from the controls imposed by this
Instruction, unless the Firefighter works more than 144 hours
during the pay period. Separate limits are provided for regular
overtime, administratively uncontrollable overtime for criminal
investigators as discussed in reference (a), and special,
reimbursable overtime as discussed in reference (b). In all cases, it
is to be recognized that these limits are established as a necessary
budget control mechanism and that they may not always match the
local command's perception of its needs. (In particular, commands
which have approved administratively uncontrollable overtime on
an individual basis for civilians in criminal investigator positions,
should be aware that funding allocated by the Commandant for this
purpose may not fully accommodate the amounts approved locally.
As with other types of overtime, the Commandant does not write a
"blank check" for overtime approved on an "administratively
uncontrollable" basis for criminal investigators.) When any of
these three separate limits are exceeded, or when it is known that
the limits will be exceeded, an amount of money to cover the
unauthorized overtime expenditure shall be transferred by the
responsible activity to compensate the AFC-08 fund. For purposes
of communication regarding AFC-08 overtime expenditures, each
command allocated an overtime limit shall designate an AFC-08
overtime management contact point, and shall so inform
Commandant (G-PC). As necessary,