Maintain internal controls for the approval and monitoring of overtime to
avoid abuses, inadvertent or otherwise, by supervisors or employees.
Internal controls shall, as a minimum, include the following:
Supervisors shall compare the amount of Regular Overtime
authorized on CG Form 4358 (enclosure (1)), Civilian Overtime
Authorization, for each employee to whom overtime was paid as
shown in the Consolidated Uniform Payroll System (CUPS)
Overtime Report, SYS-CTL-076. For each cost center, this report
portrays the amount of Regular Overtime (hours and payments)
used by each employee during the most recent quarter, and during
the past year. Using this report, supervisors shall periodically
compare the hours of overtime for which an employee has been
paid with the security desk sign-in/sign-out log when available.
Supervisors shall be present or, as a minimum, spot check for the
presence of personnel during periods of authorized overtime.
Supervisors shall spot check overtime authorizations, CG Form
4358, against overtime hours worked as indicated on the Time and
Attendance (T&A) Report, DOT Form 2740.2, retained by T&A
clerks. Second level supervisors shall ensure that these spot checks
are occurring.
Second level supervisors shall periodically review work
accomplished during overtime for quality and quantity.
Monitor AFC-08 overtime usage reports and projections provided on a
periodic basis by Commandant (G-PC).