11. REQUIREMENTS. The following requirements apply to this MPP:
a. Equal Opportunity. Actions under the plan, including the identification, qualification,
evaluation, and selection of candidates, shall be made without regard to political,
religious, or labor organization affiliation or nonaffiliation, marital status, race, color,
ethnic group or cultural background, gender, sexual orientation, national origin,
nondisqualifying physical or mental disability, age, or source of funding for the position,
and shall be based solely on job-related criteria. This guidance shall be provided to any
panel or board members chosen to select, screen, or otherwise assist in selecting persons
for civilian positions, training, or career development opportunities effected under merit
promotion regulations.
b. Determining the Minimum Area of Consideration. The selecting official in conjunction
with the Command Staff Advisor (CSA) or the servicing Human Resources (HR)
Specialist will decide the area of consideration for positions covered by this plan. In all
cases, the area of consideration shall be sufficiently broad to ensure the availability of
diverse, well-qualified candidates, taking into account the nature and level of the
positions covered, past experience in recruiting for similar positions, knowledge of the
labor market, and affirmative employment considerations.
c. Job Analysis. A job analysis to determine the pertinent KSAs for the position shall be
performed before the position is announced.
d. Vacancy Announcements.
(1) Within the Coast Guard, except for noncompetitive reassignments and vacancies that
may be filled by re-promotion, all vacancies must be officially announced, e.g., in
Coast Guard and DOT human resource Web sites, or in OPM media.
(2) Coast Guard vacancy announcements shall follow a standard format determined by
Commandant (G-WPC-1). At a minimum, announcements will include the title, pay
plan, grade and promotion potential, series, duties, a brief description of the
qualification requirements including any ranking factors used, work schedule and
appointment duration if other than full-time permanent, the area of consideration and
(if recruiting outside DOT) a statement concerning the receipt of applications from
veterans in accordance with the Veterans Employment Opportunity Act of 1998,
opening and closing dates, the announcement number, how to apply, a clear
statement of equal employment opportunity, reasonable accommodation language,
drug-testing requirements, direct-deposit requirements, requirement for INS Form
I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, a Privacy Act statement, pre-employment
physical examination requirements, license requirements, security clearance
requirements, the method of evaluation, and the basis for special selection priority.