Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 12335.4A
Area of Consideration. The organizational and/or geographic area from which
Commandant (G-WPC-1) will accept applications for consideration in a specific merit
promotion action. The minimum area of consideration is the recruitment area in which
Commandant (G-WPC-1) should reasonably expect to locate enough high quality candidates
to fill the vacancy. The minimum area of consideration may be extended if management and
Commandant (G-WPC-1) determine it is appropriate.
Basic/Minimum Qualification Standards. The position qualification standards set by OPM, or
by an agency with a single agency standard approved by OPM, augmented by (i.e.,
incorporating) any selective placement factor(s).
Best-Qualified Candidate(s). "Best-Qualified" is a relative term implying a process in which
candidates are compared against each other. This determination is first made by comparing
minimally qualified candidates against the evaluation and selection criteria to determine who is
well-qualified. Best-qualified candidates are those (there may be more than one) who
demonstrate better knowledge, skills, and abilities than other well-qualified candidates for a
Career Ladder Position. The range of grades in an occupational series within an organization
which represents the levels at which all employees are given grade-building experience and to
which they may be noncompetitively promoted. Promotion potential for all permanent positions
within the Coast Guard is documented on vacancy announcements and annotated on the SF-50.
Crediting Plan. The crediting plan is a tool that compares qualified candidates for a position. It
includes the quality ranking factors identified for the position. Crediting plans are commonly
developed by the selecting official or subject matter expert in conjunction with the servicing
CSA and/or HR Specialist. The crediting plan defines levels (e.g., minimally qualified, well-
qualified, Group A, B, C, etc.) of possession of each KSA (e.g., skill in oral communication)
which may include examples of experience, training, education, performance, and awards.
Day. Unless otherwise specified, the "calendar" day is intended.
Detail. The temporary assignment of an employee to a different position or set of duties for a
specified period of time with the employee returning to the former position at the end of the
assignment. A detail does not involve a formal position change; officially, the employee
continues to hold the position from which detailed and keeps the same pay and status.