Enclosure (4) to COMDTINST 11103.1B
Master Plan Development
1. Master Plans for Representational Facilities shall be updated every five (5) years by
the servicing Maintenance & Logistics Command (MLC) (typically accomplished
through their respective ISCs and CEUs). The Implementation Spend Plan, which is
included in the Implementation section (see example below), shall be updated
annually by the servicing Integrated Support Command or other responsible unit.
Submit Master Plans to Commandant (G-CV) for approval through Commandant (G-
2. Formatting for Representational Facility Master Plans (formerly Flag Quarters Master
Plans) has been completely changed so that they may be compatible with the
Resident's Guide. The following formatting guidelines shall be followed when
developing and submitting Representational Facility Master Plans:
a. Submissions shall be sent both hardcopy and electronically. The electronic copy
may be submitted either by 3.5" floppy disk, CD, or emailed to the
Representational Facilities Program Coordinator at Commandant (G-SEC-1). (call
202-267-1314 for email address).
b. "Page Set-Up" parameters shall be as follows:
8 " x 11" paper in "LANDSCAPE" direction
Right Margin (inside):
Left Margin (outside):
Top Margin:
Bottom Margin:
Mirror margins
c. "Format Column" settings shall be as follows:
Provide two (2) columns
Right column size:
Left column size:
d. Footers shall be labeled as follows: "II-(Section #)-(Page #)" example: II-1-1
e. Font shall be "Times New Roman" and 12 point size, and paragraphs shall be
f. Hardcopy submissions shall be double-side printed.