Enclosure (4) to COMDTINST 11103.1B
Installed Systems:
(1. Provide detailed information on the type(s) of heating, cooling, and ventilation
systems used in the facility. Include dates of installation [as nearly as possible],
past repair/improvement projects completed and background reasons why, and
pictures [as far as practical] with narrative of any specific defects or problems
discovered. 2. Provide detailed information on security systems installed including
location of system components, etc. 3. Provide detailed information on fire
suppression systems including sprinklers [show locations and shut-off valves], and
other systems such as kitchen range hoods, etc. 4. Identify and discuss
effectiveness and adequacies or inadequacies of system components, and actual or
projected problems with all systems identified above. Provide pictures of
Utility Services:
(1. Provide detailed information on the electrical, telephone, cable television,
computer, sanitary, water, fuel oil, and other utility systems. 2. Include types of
conduit and piping materials used, number and locations of panelboards, phone and
computer jacks, and cable television jacks, maximum electrical capacity, as well as
any special systems such as sump pumps, lift stations, generators, generator switch
panels, etc. 3. Identify and discuss effectiveness and adequacies or inadequacies of
system components, and actual or projected problems with all systems identified
above. Provide pictures of discrepancies.)
Grounds and Landscaping:
(1. Provide detailed information on the types of landscaping materials used [i.e.
mulch, stone, topsoil, etc], plants, trees, and vegetation indigenous to the area and
those located on the facility grounds. 2. Identify and discuss retaining walls,
drainage ditches, catch basins, gutter runoff systems [show locations of
underground piping], lawn sprinkler systems [show locations of sprinkler heads,
underground piping, and system components], and other landscaping features such
as flagpoles, monuments, fountains, gardens, fences, lighting, special seating areas,
patios, paths, and sheds [less than 100sqft, otherwise provide information identified
under "Structures" section above]. 3. Identify and discuss functionality, "curb
appeal", and both actual and projected problems with all elements identified above.)
Vehicular Circulation and Parking:
(Provide detailed information on site accessibility, driveway and entrance
construction, parking availability, and vehicular circulation. Identify and discuss
existing and perceived problems.)
3.6 ADA Compliance and Pedestrian Circulation: