Strategic Plan
Encl (1) to COMDTINST 11010.1
Guiding Principles: These Principles are comprehensive statements of Shore Facilities Capital
Asset Management (SFCAM) fundamental policy. They represent the ideals of SFCAM and
provide an objective framework for the strategy and implementation efforts.
Ensure the Best Value Shore Capability for the Coast Guard: This is our primary and
overarching principle; all of the following principles relate to this one. The best value shore
capability enhances mission performance, quality of life, retention of personnel, the reputation of
the service, and the sustainability of the shore infrastructure. We will ensure that decisions and
actions to manage shore facility capital assets achieve and maintain the best value through a
business case analysis that balances the following factors:
Ease of Maintenance
Ease of Construction
Environmental Stewardship
Mission Essentiality
Energy Management
Flexibility for Future Requirements
Safety and Health
Sensitive to Community Concerns and Local Conditions
Ease of Disposal
Match Shore Capabilities to Mission. Every deployment begins and ends on shore. Shore
capabilities exist solely to enable Coast Guard missions. Shore related decisions are most valuable
to the service when they are made with an eye to the greatest long-term benefit and are fully
integrated with mission requirements. We will foster decisions and actions to provide shore
capabilities that are most responsive to our corporate missions, goals, and strategies.
on the overall life cycle of shore facility management will generate the most cost-effective actions.
We will keep a life-cycle perspective in decision-making throughout the Planning, Investing,
Using, and Divesting phases of shore facilities management. Tools such as Total Ownership Cost,
Condition Assessment, and Life Cycle Assessment will be used.
Encourage Cross-Functional Collaboration and Feedback. The most effective decision-
making processes are those that include the participation of affected stakeholders, both internal and
external to the service. We will use decision-making processes that rely on collaboration with our
stakeholders and listen to our customers to identify emerging requirements and challenges.
Provide Top-Down Direction. The success of SFCAM requires high- level management
support and direction, with a powerful coalition of headquarters and field entities to implement and
sustain the initiative. The Coast Guard's Assistant Commandant for Systems is designated the
Shore Facilities Capital Asset Manager. This position will provide direction; maintain doctrine;
delegate authority to the lowest appropriate level of the CG; and establish a clear system of goals
and performance targets, with periodic measurement of success.
Use Information Technology Effectively. Information technology can be used to
efficiently integrate shore facilities information from a variety of sources for easy access and
sharing throughout the Coast Guard to enable objective and collaborative evaluation of shore
capabilities and options. We will establish decision support processes that rely on easily accessible,
shared, corporate-wide information.
Foster Professional Development. Successful implementation of SFCAM requires that
our employees maintain the necessary mix of knowledge and skills to perform their jobs at the
highest level of professionalism; and to be able to recognize and adopt the best practices of others.
We will enable all of our people to reach their full potential through appropriate leadership and
professional development opportunities.