f. Chief, Office of Civil Engineering (G-SEC). Under G-S direction, G-SEC shall be
Develop the SFCAM strategic initiative including the mission, vision, guiding
principles, strategies, objectives, and initiatives;
Develop and propose service-wide strategies for the entire shore facility capital asset
Adopt, integrate, and operationalize the SFCAM strategic initiative into work
elements and action plans necessary to achieve all strategic goals and strategies;
Define the SFCAM business processes, policy, procedures and organizational
relationships associated with a systems approach to integrated planning,
investing, using and divesting processes.
Develop a corporate-wide integrated capital planning and portfolio asset
management system.
Define detailed roles and responsibilities for the Civil Engineering Program;
Recommend changes to the SIMB to maximize and balance new shore related
business processes, infrastructure, and organizational/cultural relationships within the
Coast Guard;
Develop and recommend a change management plan to the SIMB to integrate
SFCAM processes and technology into the existing CG organization and culture;
Manage the portfolio of CG-wide shore infrastructure assets, including Headquarters,
Area, Districts, and Maintenance and Logistic Command Units in conformance with
the SFCAM Strategy;
Review of shore facility Planning Proposals (PPs);
Develop new methodology for condition assessments and Total Ownership Costs
(TOC) to be used CG-wide;
(10) Partner with the Civil Engineering Technology Center (CETC) via MLCLANT(s) to
develop the information Technology Support Requirements for SFCAM.
(11) Act as the SIMB Secretariat, including the review of proposed IPT charters and
forwarding them to the SIMB for action.
g. Civil Engineering Technology Center (CETC). CETC shall:
Partner with G-SEC via MLCLANT(s) to develop the Information Technology
Support Requirements for SFCAM;
Coordinate adoption or development of required SFCAM data standards.