Strategic Plan
Encl (1) to COMDTINST 11010.1
and integrates into the Coast Guard planning, programming and
budgeting process.
Objective 1.2 Gather accurate system requirements.
Establish sources for accurate mission and organizational
requirements, such as: operational objectives, laws,
regulations, standards, and policies.
Develop mission-based facility standards: Partner with the
owners of mission requirements to convert requirements into
facility standards.
Objective 1.3 Develop facility assessment methodology.
Develop mission, physical and organizational criteria used to
measure facility condition: Determine the most cost effective
and resource efficient process to assess facility condition.
Objective 1.4 Develop Total Ownership Cost (TOC) policies and procedures for asset
portfolio decision-making.
Define TOC: Adopt a CG-wide definition of Total Cost of
Ownership which must encompass all expected costs for new
assets as well as past, actual and future costs for existing
Capture actual TOC at the transactional level: Use IT support
to ensure that the data items identified in the TOC definition
are captured as they occur (ex: planned/ future costs during
planning and actual costs at the time of obligation).
Define and calculate Deferred Maintenance. Determine
impact of deferred maintenance on asset TOC and asset life
Objective 1.5 Develop and Implement Asset Performance Measures.
Align asset measures with Systems Directorate Measures:
(re: "Systems Measurement Implementation Team Final
Report" June 2000).
Develop asset measures which enable responsible stewardship
of shore facility assets, and identify potential impacts of
alternative decisions: Measures will provide information that
not only illustrates the cost of a given decision but also shows
the cost of not doing something such as deferred maintenance.
Assure asset measures are "career-safe" with inherent
incentives: Ensure that CE personnel not only feel safe in
reporting less than satisfactory measures but are encouraged
to do so for the overall good of the Coast Guard.