Strategic Plan
Encl (1) to COMDTINST 11010.1
Overarching Strategy
Overarching Transition Shore Support from a Facility Engineering focus to a Capital
Asset Management focus.
This transition can be characterized as a shift from decentralized traditional
engineering support, based on locally defined requirements, to a business
partnership which emphasizes managing the shore infrastructure as a
corporate strategic resource. This partnership will institutionalize a systems
approach to corporate business processes; will identify corporate outcomes
and hold operational and support Commanders, as well as Headquarters
program managers, responsible for achieving these outcomes; will align
facilities to mission; and will measure performance by organizationally
defined metrics. The desired end state is to manage the shore portfolio of
capital assets to most effectively achieve the CG's strategic and performance
SFCAM Strategic Plan
Develop SFCAM system to ensure that the shore infrastructure is
aligned with CG-wide strategic outcomes.
The shore infrastructure is a corporate resource and must be managed for the collective benefit of
the Coast Guard. It is important to develop an effective, collaborative CG-wide portfolio
management decision making process for shore infrastructure investments throughout their life
cycle. SFCAM processes and the responsibilities of those that manage and use shore facility
capital assets must be clearly understood and communicated to drive fact-based shore facility
resource recommendations. The main components of this strategy are:
Processes for shore planning, investing, using and divesting
Mission requirements
Facility Assessments
Total Ownership Cost
Objective 1.1 Develop CG-wide processes for shore infrastructure planning, investing, using and