(4) Rating badges will not be worn on the sleeve nor will ratings be stenciled on the
camouflage utility coat/shirt.
(5) Command/unit patches or insignia, individual or personal are not authorized.
Trousers. A tape containing the wearer's surname will be sewn above and flush with the
top of the right rear trouser pocket. c. Coat, Camouflage Cold Weather (Field Jacket)
(1) A tape containing the wearer's surname will be sewn above and flush with the top of
the right coat pocket.
(2) A tape containing the words "U.S. NAVY" will be sewn above and flush with the
top of the left coat pocket.
(3) An approved force insignia will be stenciled, sewn, embroidered or molded in black
on the wearer's left breast pocket.
(4) Command/unit patches or insignia, individual or personal are not authorized.
24. Authorized Modifications For Environmental Extremes. The following modifications are not
authorized uniform changes; rather, they are exceptions which may be granted by appropriate
Coat/Shirt. The camouflage utility shirt may be removed on job sites or in work spaces.
Trousers. The camouflage utility trousers may be worn unbloused on job sites or in
work spaces.
25. Female Maternity Work Uniform. Appropriate authority may authorize the following uniform
for wear by pregnant unit members as a substitute for the maternity dungarees uniform, should
they desire to maintain uniformity throughout their commands.
Uniform Item
Shirt/coat. women maternity work
Slacks, women maternity work