Transportation Expenses of Material: Identify expenses for the transportation
of things and for their care enroute.
Cost of Materials, Equipment and Supplies:
Total amounts for expendable and non-expendable materials, equipment,
and supplies will be reported separately.
(ii) Specify if the costs incurred are from regular stocks or outside vendors.
If from regular stock, provide detailed listing as well as the cost per item.
The billing should also address whether items are expendable, non-
expendable, serviceable, or returned to inventory (reparable item). If
from outside vendors, an inventory list shall be submitted for all items
individually costing over
,000 along with a detailed description of the
items. The description shall include: 1) serial number; 2) model
number; 3) cost per item; and 4) disposition of purchased item.
Disposition will be identified as inventory, repairable, or salvage.
(iii) Specify if non-expendable goods are in possession of FEMA or the
reporting unit.
(iv) For reimbursement requests associated with standard fuel and
maintenance costs, report the number of hours of operation for each type
of resource, the appropriate object/ subobject class for fuel and
maintenance, and the costs associated with the fuel and maintenance
portion of facility costs as defined in COMDTINST 7310.1 (series),
Standard Rates.
Costs of contracts for services, listed by title with an itemized breakdown of
costs and brief explanation/description of each contract including the contract
number or purchase order number.
Leased Equipment: describe the item, cost per item, and number leased;
indicate vendee, vendor name, address, phone number and account number;
include the contract number or purchase order number; indicate date returned
to the vendor. Leased items billed to FEMA will have