Encl. (1) to COMDTINST 7220.39
for periods covered by the suspension, there is no
entitlement to HDIP or monthly ACIP for those periods.
If the member is an officer entitled to continuous ACIP
(not required to meet minimum flight time requirements),
the officer is entitled to continuous ACIP for the period
of suspension, but the officer may not be paid ACIP until
the suspension is removed.
Suspension removed and member's flying status is
terminated (including disqualification for aviation service).
The termination of flying status is effective on the date
the suspension was effected. There is no entitlement to HDIP
or ACIP for the period the member's flying status is
terminated, and therefore no entitlement to HDIP or ACIP for
the period of suspension.
Member returned to flying status after flying status
was terminated. If after a period of terminated flying
status (and disqualification for aviation service for officers
entitled to ACIP), a member is returned to a flying status,
HDIP or ACIP begins as follows:
Aviators entitled to continuous ACIP. Entitlement
to continuous ACIP resumes on the date the officer is
returned to a flying status and requalifies for aviation
Members entitled to monthly ACIP or HDIP. Minimum
flight requirements must be met beginning with the date
the member is returned to a flying status (and
requalified for aviation service for officers entitled
to monthly ACIP). A member may not use flight hours
earned after a period of terminated flying status to
meet minimum flight time requirements for a period before
the period of terminated flying status (cannot use
"grace" period rules). A member may not use flight
hours earned before a period of terminated flying status
for a period after the period of terminated flying
status (cannot "bank" excess flight time forward through
a period of terminated flying status).
Entitlement to HDIP or monthly ACIP under certain conditions.
Enclosure (7) contains examples of a member's entitlement to HDIP
or monthly ACIP under certain conditions.
Determinations affecting entitlement to HDIP or monthly ACIP.
HDIP or monthly ACIP from date of reporting for duty. A
member is entitled to HDIP or monthly ACIP on and after the
date of reporting for duty under competent flight orders,
subject to meeting other entitlement requirements. A member
in a nonduty status (such as leave, not fit for duty, etc.)
or a nonflying status upon the effective date of the
member's flight orders, is not entitled to HDIP or monthly
ACIP for any period before reporting for and entering on
duty in a flying status under such flight orders.
Change of designation - noncrew member to crew member or
vice versa. A member whose flight orders are changed
from crew member flight orders to noncrew member flight
orders, or vice versa, within a month or fraction of a month
may not combine time flown under both sets of orders for
HDIP purposes. All excess flight time "banked" under the