Encl. (1) to COMDTINST 7220.39
for the second and third months of the "grace" period and
the "grace" period ends with the third month. A new "grace"
period may not commence immediately after this "grace"
period because the flight time requirements for the entire
"grace" period were not met. Example 1: January
is the first month of a "grace" period. A member performs no
hours of aerial flight in January, five hours in February, and
six hours in March. The member qualifies for HDIP or monthly
ACIP for February and March. One hour from February and two
hours from March are carried forward into April as excess
flight time. Example 2: January is the first
month of a "grace" period. A member performs one hour of
aerial flight in January, three hours in February, and six
hours in March. The member qualifies for HDIP or monthly
ACIP for February and March. Two hours are carried forward
from March into April as excess flight time. Example 3:
January is the first month of a "grace" period. A member
has one excess hour earned in December and carried forward
into the "grace" period. The member performs one hour of
aerial flight in January, two hours in February, and six hours
in March. The member qualifies for HDIP or monthly ACIP for
February and March. Two hours from March are carried forward
into April as excess flight time.
First, second, and third months. If a member performs
less than eight hours of aerial flight combined in the first
two months of the "grace" period, and the member performs
at least 12 hours of aerial flight in the three month
"grace" period, the member is entitled to HDIP or monthly
ACIP for all three months of the "grace" period and the
"grace" period ends with the third month. A new "grace"
period may commence immediately after this "grace" period
because the flight time requirements for the entire "grace"
period were met. Example 1: January is the first
month of a "grace" period. A member performs two hours of
aerial flight in January, three hours in February, and seven
hours in March. The member qualifies for HDIP or monthly
ACIP for January, February, and March. No excess flight
time is available to be carried forward into April.
Example 2: January is the first month of a "grace"
period. A member has one excess hour earned in December and
carried forward into the "grace" period. The member performs
two hours of aerial flight in January, three hours in
February, and eight hours in March. The member qualifies
for HDIP or monthly ACIP for January, February, and March.
Two hours from March are carried forward into April as excess
flight time.
Injury or incapacity as a result of an aviation mishap or
performance of other hazardous duty to which ordered. When
a member in a flying status and under competent flight orders,
other than an officer entitled to ACIP, is injured or otherwise
incapacitated as a result of an aviation mishap or performance of
other hazardous duty to which ordered, the member is considered
to have met the flight requirements for the duration of the
incapacity or for three months ("free" period), whichever is
the shorter period of time. If the member is an officer entitled
to monthly ACIP, the "free" period extends for a maximum of 180
days from the date of incapacitation. If the member is an
officer entitled to continuous ACIP, the officer is entitled to
ACIP through the day before the date of disqualification from
aviation service. Incapacitation includes incapacitation due to
shock, derangement, or exhaustion of the nervous system.
Appropriate medical authority