this instruction. Additionally, attorneys who devote less than a majority of their
time to representing (or lobbying for) the maritime industry and who also derive
less than a majority of their personal income from representing (or lobbying for)
the maritime industry (either directly or through members of the firm) are also
exempted as a class from prohibited source rules for purposes of this instruction.
If the salaried Chief Executive Officer or volunteer Chief Executive Officer, or
equivalent, in the Foundation is a prohibited source or is an officer, employee, or
representative of a prohibited source, the Foundation is deemed to be a prohibited
If the majority of the Foundation's board members are officers, employees, or
representatives of prohibited sources, the Foundation is deemed to be a prohibited
Delegation Of Gift Acceptance Authority. Except for gifts of official foreign travel, the
Vice-Commandant (G-CV) and Director of Finance and Procurement (G-CFP) are hereby
delegated the authority to accept all gifts offered to the Coast Guard by the Foundation,
regardless of value. Except for gifts of official foreign travel, the Coast Guard Academy
(Academy) Superintendent is hereby delegated the authority to accept all Foundation gifts
offered to the Academy that have a value of ,000 or less. Accordingly, every
Foundation gift item offered to the Academy having a value exceeding ,000 must be
forwarded to Commandant (G-CFP) for an acceptance decision. This delegated gift
acceptance authority cannot be re-delegated without the express, written approval of the
Commandant. All gift acceptance decisions must be in writing and personally signed by
Commandant (G-CV), Commandant (G-CFP) or the Superintendent.
Coast Guard and Academy Needs Lists. Each year, the Vice-Commandant shall approve
general Coast Guard needs lists. The Superintendent shall approve and maintain Academy
needs lists. Each needs list will identify items and projects that will benefit the Coast
Guard or Academy. Although all Coast Guard personnel are prohibited from soliciting
gifts from the Foundation, if the Foundation makes a written or verbal offer to provide gift
support to the Coast Guard or Academy, or if the Foundation asks for needs lists
information, the Vice-Commandant and Superintendent, or their designees, are authorized
to respond to the Foundation by providing the needs lists, or needs list information.
Annual Foundation Gift Offers. The Foundation may make an annual, written, omnibus
gift offer to the Vice-Commandant or Superintendent, or their designees. Such annual gift
offers may contain items listed on a general Coast Guard needs list and/or an Academy
needs list and other individual gift items, and may include construction projects. Such gift
offers may be conditioned on the Foundation's financial capabilities and accordingly some
specific gift offer items may be funded in subsequent gift years.