The Foundation conducts business meetings and also sponsors activities, including, but not
events. All Coast Guard personnel must be aware that federal ethics rules regulate their
participation in Foundation meetings or activities even if their participation is in a personal,
private capacity.
Coast Guard Personnel. For purposes of this Instruction, the term "Coast Guard personnel"
includes all uniformed members of the Coast Guard Regular Component; all appropriated
and non-appropriated fund civilian employees; all Special Government Employees; all
uniformed members of the Coast Guard Reserve Component while on inactive or active
duty training and while earning retirement points pursuant to Title 10, U.S.C.; all Auxiliary
members when under orders; all uniformed members of the Public Health Service (PHS)
and Department of Defense (DOD) Regular Component assigned or detailed to the Coast
Guard for 30 days or more; Coast Guard Academy cadets; and any expert or consultant
who is under contract with the Coast Guard pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 3109.
Gift. A gift is the gratuitous, voluntary transfer of ownership in property or the gratuitous
provision of a service without consideration or compensation. Said another way, a gift is
anything not paid for by the recipient that has a monetary value, including, but not limited
to, such items as cash, negotiable instruments, securities, endowments, scholarships,
personal property, real property, and services.
Restricted Gift. Any gift that the original donor explicitly specifies must go to the Coast
Guard. An original donor is the person or entity that offers or makes a gift to the Coast
Guard through the Foundation.
Unrestricted Gift. Any gift that is not a restricted gift.
Special Projects. Special projects relate to the acquisition, improvement, modification, or
renovation of real property shore facility asset (s). These are usually larger projects in cost,
scope and complexity and may take more than 12 months to complete from planning
through construction completion.
Prohibited Source.
As a general rule, a prohibited source is any person, company, organization or
non-federal governmental entity that: is doing business with the Coast Guard; is
seeking business with the Coast Guard; is conducting activities that are regulated
by the Coast Guard; has interests that might be substantially affected by Coast
Guard personnel performing or not performing their duty; or, is an organization or
association having a majority of members that meet one or more of the above
criteria. However, recreational boaters, although technically regulated by the
Coast Guard, are exempted as a class from prohibited source rules for purposes of