(1) Serves as the overall program manager for policy and procedures and oversight relating to
the USCG Credential Program.
(2) Oversees the Credentials produced, issued and accounted for by the Chief, Office of Security
Policy and Management, (CG-86). These Badges or Representative Credentials (as
appropriate) are issued to Coast Guard Police Forces, Security Managers, and TSCM
d. Assistant Commandant for Prevention (CG-3P): Oversees the Credentials produced, issued and
accounted for by the Chief, Office of Investigations and Analysis (CG-3PCA). These Badges
and Credentials are issued to Coast Guard Marine Investigators.
e. Chief Administrative Law Judge, (CG-00J): Produces, issues, and accounts for the ALJ
Authority Credentials and Representative Credentials issued to Administrative Law Judges and
legal staff respectively.
f. Unit Commanders: Are responsible for controlling and safeguarding Credentials assigned to their
organizations. In this capacity, they must ensure that Program Managers have the resources to
properly secure or safeguard and account for Credentials within their Area of Responsibility.
g. Program Managers:
(1) Issue individual Program Implementation Guidance for this Instruction.
(2) Obtain a legal review from the Judge Advocate General of the Coast Guard, (CG-094), to
ensure legal sufficiency of the authority that will be the focus of the Credential. Credentials
are representational in nature. Issuance must be supported by underlying legal authorities,
and must occur only to individuals meeting specified criteria, as appropriate given the
program, and consistent with the underlying legal basis.
h. Credentials Custodians: Program Managers of each program authorized to issue USCG
Credentials Program will appoint a Credentials Custodian. This individual is responsible for the
production, receipt, issue, replacement and routine accountability for Credentials in that program
element. The names and contact data for Credentials Custodians will be forwarded to
Commandant (CG-86).
i. Individual Bearer: The individual to whom a Credential is entrusted is at all times responsible for
safeguarding them, unless relieved of such responsibility by the Credentials Custodian.
10. USE. Credentials are for the sole purpose of identifying the bearer as a duly appointed/accredited
representative of the U.S. Coast Guard who is performing a specific duty, and within the limits of a
specific authority. Further, as defined in paragraph 5, badges alone and those credentials, which
contain a badge in addition to a paper credential, are herein distinguished from Representative
Credentials with regard to the level of authority conveyed respectively in them. USCG has
determined that by both statute and practice within the law enforcement community, and social
custom in society, badges are generally recognized to have some degree of statutorily supported law