(3) Security personnel who perform technical security functions, such as Technical Surveillance
(4) Administrative law personnel who support Administrative Law Judges to facilitate access to
the court system.
(5) USCG officers and contractor personnel who perform Intelligence or Counterintelligence
d. ALJ Authority Credentials: These Credentials are issued to Coast Guard Administrative Law
Judges who preside over administrative hearings for the Coast Guard and other DHS agencies.
9. RESPONSIBILITIES. The USCG Credentials and Badges Program is characterized by centralized
oversight, audit, and policy with decentralized management (i.e., production and issue) for the
various program elements. Overall policy development, program management, and audit authority
of the Coast Guard Credentials and Badges Program has been vested in the Assistant Commandant
for Planning, Resources, and Procurement, (CG-8). The Office of Security Policy and Management,
(CG-86), is the action office within Commandant (CG-8) for this program. Responsibilities for the
management of the various program elements that comprise the USCG Credentials and Badges
Program are designated as follows:
a. Assistant Commandant for Intelligence and Investigations (CG-2):
(1) Oversees the Badges and Credentials produced, issued and accounted for by the Director,
Coast Guard Investigative Service (CG-2-CGIS). CGIS Badges and Credentials (B&C) are
issued to CGIS Special Agents. Badges and Credentials are also issued to Drivers/Aides that
support the Commandant and senior leadership.
(2) Oversees the Badges and Credentials produced, issued, and accounted for by the Chief,
Office of Intelligence Security Management (CG-22). These Badges and Credentials or
Representative Credentials (as appropriate) are issued to Coast Guard Intelligence Officers.
(3) Oversees the Badges and Credentials produced, issued, and accounted for by the Coast Guard
Counterintelligence Service (CGCIS). These Badges and Credentials or Representative
Credentials (as appropriate) are issued to: CGCIS Counterintelligence Agents, CI Officers,
and selected supporting contractors.
b. Assistant Commandant for Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Information
Technology (CG-6): Oversees the Badge and Credentials produced, issued, and accounted for by
the Chief, Office of Communications Systems, (CG-62). These Badge and Credentials are
issued to USCG Certified Electronic Keying Material System (EKMS) Inspectors who operate
under agreement with, and supervision of the Department of the Navy EKMS Program.
c. Assistant Commandant for Planning, Resources, and Procurement (CG-8):