Enclosure (2) to COMDTINST 5420.37A
The meeting room, the resources, and facilities are sufficient to
accommodate those who could reasonably be expected to attend and are
accessible to persons with disabilities. When appropriate, Coast Guard
will provide an interpreter for the hearing impaired;
Meetings at facilities provided by industry. An offer to hold a meeting
free of charge at a company's facility is a gift to the Coast Guard. The
Office of General Law (G-LGL) must review all offers of meeting space
and determine for each case whether the gift can be accepted. The
Office of Financial Management (G-CFM) is the accepting authority for
gifts to the Coast Guard. If Commandant (G-LGL) determines that the
gift can be accepted, Commandant (G-CFM) must accept the gift prior
to scheduling and announcing the meeting. All meeting sites must be
fully open and accessible to all members of the public who wish to
attend an advisory committee meeting.
NOTE: Any appearance of favoritism--using one facility multiple
times when there is no use of a competitor's facility--must be
avoided. Even the perception of favoring one company over another
must be avoided;
Meals hosted by non-government entities.
As a Special Government Employee (SGE), a public member is
subject to Federal conflict of interest laws, agency standard of
conduct regulations, and annual financial disclosure requirements.
An offer by a non-federal source to provide a complimentary meal
to a public member is deemed to be a gift, and gifts valued over
may not be accepted by public members. However, if the
value of the meal does not exceed , the public member may
accept the meal. All such offers must be brought to the attention
the servicing legal office for resolution.
Representative members are not subject to Federal conflict of
interest laws, agency standard of conduct regulations, and annual
financial disclosure requirements, including Federal gift rules.
Representative members may accept an offer by a non-federal
source to provide a complimentary meal regardless of value.
g. Minutes.
The Sponsor shall ensure that detailed minutes of all committee and
subcommittee meetings are kept, and the chairperson shall certify the
accuracy of the minutes. Subject to 5 U.S.C. 552, the records, reports,
transcripts, minutes, appendices, working papers, drafts, studies, agenda,