Enclosure (2) to COMDTINST 5420.37A
or other documents which were made available to or prepared for or by
each advisory committee shall be available for public inspection and
copying at a single location until the advisory committee ceases to exist.
Minutes shall include:
The time, date, and place of the meeting;
A list of all attendees including members, staff, and public
A summary of matters discussed and conclusions reached;
Copies of reports received, issued, or approved by the committee;
A description of public participation, including oral and written
The Sponsor is solely responsible for recording the proceedings of all
advisory committee or subcommittee meetings. In some cases, it may be
appropriate to hire a court reporter to ensure a verbatim record of the
proceedings. Recording or videotaping of meetings shall only be done
by the Sponsor or his or her designee.
Annual Report of the President on Federal Advisory Committees. This report
provides information on committee activities for each fiscal year and is due at
the end of each fiscal year. The Executive Secretariat at GSA maintains the
report on an electronic data base that is updated by EDs throughout the year.
The CG CMO will provide due dates and instructions for close out of the
report at the end of each year. The CG CMO will review and verify the reports
Annual Report on Closed Meetings. Each advisory committee that has held
closed or partially closed meetings shall issue an annual report summarizing its
activities consistent with the policies of the Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA). Notice of the availability of the report shall be published in the
Federal Register not later than 60 days after the report is issued.
Filing of Committee Reports with the Library of Congress. Formal reports
issued by advisory committees shall be filed with the Library of Congress in
accordance with section 13 of FACA. At least eight copies of the report and,
when appropriate, reports prepared by consultants, shall be submitted to the
Department CMO through the CG CMO for filing.
Availability of Records.
a. Section 10(b) of FACA requires that an agency be generally obligated to make
available for public inspection and copying all materials that were made
available to or prepared for or by an advisory committee. The purpose of