Enclosure (2) to COMDTINST 5420.37A
notice shall contain, at a minimum, the name of the committee, the date
and time, place, and purpose of the meeting, a summary agenda, and, if
appropriate, a statement that the meeting or portion of a meeting is to be
The notice shall be published by the Sponsor a minimum of 15 days
prior to the meeting date. Failure to do so will result in cancellation of
the meeting by the CG CMO. Shorter than 15-day notice may be
granted by the CG CMO in consultation with Commandant (G-LRA) in
exceptional circumstances that must be explained in the notice.
Meeting Procedures.
The ED shall prepare and approve the meeting agenda in cooperation
with the committee's chairperson.
Meetings shall be conducted in general accordance with Robert's Rules
of Order but may deviate from such rules when necessary or desirable
for the management of a committee.
Committees may meet via teleconference. However, such meetings
must comply with the requirements for open meetings, including
publication of a notice in the Federal Register. Appropriate provisions,
such as having sufficient communication lines available for non-
members, must be made to permit public participation.
Coast Guard committees shall not vote by e-mail. Mail ballots may be
used only in the case of issues that have been discussed in a public
meeting, except for those meetings that have been closed according to
the procedures in 9.c.
Interested persons are permitted to attend, appear before, or file
statements with a committee subject to reasonable rules established by
the Chairperson and ED (e.g., a copy of proposed remarks provided in
advance to the Chairperson or speakers may be limited to 3 minutes).
However, advisory committee meetings shall not be used as forums to
discuss issues not the within the scope of the committee's charge or
responsibility. If necessary the ED, in his or her capacity as DFO, shall
stop or close an advisory committee meeting when the ED determines it
is in the public interest to do so per section 10(e) of FACA.
Meeting Locations and Arrangements, Meals and Refreshments. The Sponsor
shall ensure that:
Meetings are held at a reasonable time and place;