Encl. (3) to COMDTINST 5357.1A
Individual Development Plan (IDP) User Guide for
Conducting a
A CDA can assist you with a variety of self assessments including
commercial self-
basic interest, personal style, etc.), Career Assessment Inventory
(career decisions involving college, etc.), etc., which are all
available through DANTES. In addition, some TRMs can assist
you with the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, etc.
Step 3:
The objectives of the supervisor and direct report meeting are for
the supervisor to provide feedback to the individual and to obtain
Supervisor meeting.
mutual commitment between the supervisor and individual
regarding the IDP plan.
Before meeting with the individual, a supervisor should:
Determine if there are competencies that need to be
enhanced to improve performance in the individual's
present position.
Be aware of training resources available.
Be alert to organizational trends and/or planned changes
that require the individual to develop different skills or
enhance current skills.
The supervisor should also review A Supervisor's Guide to Career
Development and Counseling for Civilian Employees, which is
available at http://www.uscg.mil/hq/cgpc/cpm/home/supindx.htm.
The individual should provide the supervisor with a draft copy of
his/her IDP prior to the meeting and should also bring a copy to the
meeting. The supervisor needs to bring an understanding of the
organization's needs and ideas or plans for developing the person
to the meeting. Together they discuss:
The individual's goals, interests, and career aspirations
The organization's needs, expectations, and plans
Developmental objectives for the individual on which both
agree, activities that will achieve the objectives, schedule for
activities, check-back points, and possible needs for revising
or updating IDP.
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