Encl. (3) to COMDTINST 5357.1A
Individual Development Plan (IDP) User Guide for
Job R edesign - Assignment of new responsibilities to a position
for the purpose of utilizing an individual's natural abilities or
interests. For example, assigning liaison responsibilities to a n
individual who would otherwise not deal with people outside their
immediate work unit.
Committee/Task Force Participation - Involvement in workforce
groups or special emphasis groups. For example, participation in
Human Relations Committees.
Professional Organizations Joining and/or volunteering with
these organizations offers opportunities for the individual to
develop a variety of organizational and leadership skills.
Examples include, American Society of Military Comptrollers,
American Society of Training and Development, Reserve Officer
Association, Toastmasters, etc.
"Acting" Assignments - Temporary assignment of oversight
responsibilities to a n individual. In most cases, these
responsibilities are to cover for a manager or supervisor that is out
of the office.
Discussion Groups - Groups arranged with co-workers (to take
place during lunch or after duty hours) for the purpose of
researching and discussing technical, managerial, or supervisory
skill areas.
Other options
You can also read articles and books (one recommended source
is the Commandant's Reading List), volunteer, do some research,
interview senior/technical people, ask a co-worker to teach you a
skill, train someone else, etc.
Look for internal Coast Guard training information in the annual
Where to find CG
training schedule available on the Training Quota Management
training information
Center's (TQC) web site, http://www.uscg.mil/hq/tqc/index.htm.
Coast Guard wide Leadership and Professional Development
courses can be found at http://www.uscg.mil/leadership (click on
Where to find career
Coast Guard Career Central web site,
and professional
http://www.uscg.mil/leadership (click on Career Central), is a
central point for Coast Guard career, training, education and
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