Encl. (3) to COMDTINST 5357.1A
Individual Development Plan (IDP) User Guide for
can strategize the best approach to take as you go through the
"Steps to an IDP."
Step 1: Conducting a
There are different ways to assess your personality, interests,
knowledge, skills, and abilities. To make completing an IDP easier,
we recommend you conduct a self-assessment and then work with a
career counselor to conduct a commercial assessment (see page 6
for information on conducting a commercial self-assessment). In
addition, the Coast Guard Institute can conduct an Educational
Assessment, which determines how your academic experience can
be transferred to a college degree program.
Conduct ing an
To conduct an assessment of your competencies, start by listing
assessment of your
your knowledge, skills, and abilities. You can determine what they
are by reviewing current and prior job performance and experience,
training, education, and developmental activities to identify the
knowledge, skills, and abilities you have. This background review
provides concrete information regarding current abilities, strengths,
and skills. Specifically, employees can review their training record;
SF-171, OF-612, or resume; position description; performance
evaluations; and any information about significant past training and
other developmental activities. Officers can review their training
record; performance evaluations; and any information about
significant past training and other developmental activities. Go to
CG Central (http://cgcentral.uscg.mil): My Workspace: Career
Management: Officer for specific career information about you.
Once you have a basic understanding of your current knowledge,
skills and abilities, you need to think about where you want to be in a
year, two years, three years, etc. from now. Based on the data you
have generated about yourself in your self-assessment, write these
desires in the form of goals. A goal is a statement of a desired
outcome or accomplishment which is specific, observable and
realistic. Ask yourself:
What do I want to accomplish by this time next year?
What do I want to accomplish by the end of the second year?
What do I want to accomplish by the end of the ____ year?