Encl. (3) to COMDTINST 5357.1A
Individual Development Plan (IDP) User Guide for
promotions, etc.). It does not replace the performance
evaluation form/system to determine advancements,
promotion, pay, awards, etc. The purpose is professional
development, not appraisal. A person's decision not to
carry out a developmental activity or achieve a goal
should not impact his or her performance evaluation.
Correct use of an IDP, however, will likely improve an
individual's performance and behaviors.
A contract for training. An individual should include all
training interests on an IDP. However, training is not
necessarily guaranteed because it is on an IDP. Training
decisions are made in accordance with Coast Guard policy
and budgetary considerations.
A way to clarify or revise a position description. If a position
description does not accurately describe the duties
performed, this is a matter for the individual, supervisor,
and the personnel office to resolve. An IDP does not solve
this problem.
A guarantee of promotion to a higher grade/rank. An IDP
can help prepare a person to become qualified for a higher
graded position, but does not imply a guarantee of
A fix for all supervisor-personnel relations problems. The
IDP is only one part of the comprehensive efforts of an