j. Official Descriptions of Missions and Entities. Publish only official descriptions of Coast Guard
missions and entities.
k. Official Records. Wherever official records are disseminated via the Web, procedures shall be
established to ensure that the records have been carefully reviewed and comply with all
applicable policies and procedures pertaining to records management per reference (e). Every
effort shall be made to ensure these records cannot be altered by unintended audiences.
l. Privacy. Coast Guard personnel do not have a right, nor should they have an expectation of,
privacy while using the Web when accessed via Government computers or networks. All Intranet
and Internet activities are subject to monitoring at all times.
m. Personal Use. Generally, Coast Guard Web access via Coast Guard owned networks is provided
for official use only. Limited personal use of Government office equipment is governed by
reference (i), which describes the scope of limited personal use and specifically prohibited usage
as it relates to the Web.
n. Prohibited Content. The following categories of information and content shall not be published to
any Coast Guard Web site or page except as noted by "*:"
Copyrighted or trademarked material without explicit permission from the author.
Classified information.
For Official Use Only (FOUO) information. *
Inflammatory comments.
Political statements.
Pornographic material.
Information protected under the Privacy Act in accordance with reference (f).
Information regarding Coast Guard personnel.* Names and duty addresses of personnel
assigned to units that are sensitive, routinely deployable, or stationed in foreign territories
shall not be released nor shall such individuals be identified in photographs or articles.
Information on family members of Coast Guard personnel, except necessary contact
information for those serving in an official capacity, such as Command Ombudsman.
Information which would interfere with an official investigation or Law Enforcement (LE)
activity, or judicial proceeding, including information which could subject LE personnel to
potential harm.
Internal program agenda, correspondence, and memos not appropriate for general
distribution. *
Personal opinion or private agenda unless the information is clearly unofficial such as in a
discussion forum.
Duplication of Commandant Directives or other Government documents (one official copy
of Commandant Directives is published on the Web by the CIO; other organizations shall
link to those and external documents published by other Government agencies, rather than
including them on their own websites).
Pre-decisional information, reader files, internal letters and memoranda shall not be released
unless approved by the appropriate authority. *