c. Intranet refers to the internally accessible Web presence and other domains available only to
authorized users of Coast Guard owned networks. Non-Coast Guard persons and organizations
such as contractors and other governmental or non-governmental agencies may have occasional
or long-term authorized access to the Intranet for official business purposes.
d. Extranet refers to any private network that uses the Internet protocol and the public
telecommunications system to securely share part of the Coast Guard's information or operations
with suppliers, vendors, partners, customers, or other businesses. An extranet can be viewed as
part of the Coast Guard's Intranet that is extended to users outside of the Intranet. An example is
remote access used extensively in the Coast Guard. Though Extranets will not be discussed
specifically in this Instruction, all policies that apply to Internet and Intranet apply equally to any
Coast Guard Extranet.
e. Special Use Application refers to business software that uses the Web as all or part of its
communications network. A Special Use
Application generally has a
limited audience and
have restricted access via user/password validation. The fact that a particular application may
have a vast audience (for example, a human resources application accessible by all employees)
does not exempt it from this category. Special Use Applications are not subject to this directive.
Their development, including architecture, is approved as part of the Coast Guard's IT Capital
Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) processes.
f. The Web refers generically to both the Internet and the Intranet, and by extension, any authorized
Extranet implementation.
g. Web Program Manager refers to the official designated by the CIO to perform the normal duties
of a Headquarters Program Manager for Web issues, which includes policy, budget, resource
allocation, and high-level procedural guidance.
h. Web Content Manager refers to the individual designated by the Unit Commander to review and
approve web content for the command and for commands under its administrative control. The
duties of the Web Content Manager are inherently governmental. This individual is the
command's primary point of contact for Web issues via the chain of command. This definition is
provided as a means to commonly refer to this function and does not constitute the establishment
of an official job description or billet requirement.
i. Web content provider refers to any individual who authors content for publication to Coast Guard
Web sites. Web content providers must follow procedural guidance established by the command
Web Content Manager under the authority of the unit commander. This definition is provided as
a means to commonly refer to this function and does not constitute the establishment of an official
job description or billet requirement.
j. Web content incident refers to situations where prohibited or inappropriate content is published to
the Web. See paragraph 8.n for definition of prohibited content.