provided in references (d) and (f). Links to the official location of Commandant Directives and
prohibited for two reasons. First, they can become out of date without the user being aware, and
second, they consume Coast Guard system resources.
h. Information Gathering. All Coast Guard Internet web sites shall comply with the Coast Guard's
published privacy policy (linked to the Coast Guard Internet "Home" page). Any use of the
Internet to gather information on the public must be approved by the DHS CIO, via the Coast
Guard CIO. Examples of information gathering techniques include:
Implementing user registration schemes.
Maintaining lists of visitor email addresses.
i. Non-Appropriated Fund Activities (NAFA).
Commercial sponsorships, advertisements and endorsements are prohibited on publicly
accessible pages of official Coast Guard web sites (".mil"). Web sites are official
communications to the public. Just as the Coast Guard would not print advertisements on
news releases, commands shall not post advertisements on publicly accessible official Coast
Guard web sites. Additionally, commands shall ensure that the credibility of official
information is not adversely affected by association with commercial sponsorships,
advertisements or endorsements.
In accordance with the policies contained in Reference (h), commands may develop non-
appropriated fund web sites (".com"), may have commercial sponsorships, and may sell
electronic advertising. Advertisements on these web sites are intended for eligible patrons
of the MWR program, as defined in reference (h). As noted in reference (h), advertising or
sponsorship cannot directly or indirectly compete with the Coast Guard Exchange System.
Commands are encouraged to include official information about non-appropriated fund
activities on official Coast Guard web sites as long as the information does not include
commercial sponsorships or advertisements.
With command approval, NAF activities may use non-appropriated funds to develop and
maintain commercial web sites for unofficial information, where commercial sponsorship or
advertising may appear. External links to authorized, unofficial NAF commercial web sites
are authorized, with an appropriate disclaimer preceding the actual connection to the NAF
commercial web site to avoid product endorsement or preferential treatment. Official
information pertaining to the NAF activity may be posted on the commercial non-
appropriated fund web site with command approval, but only if it is also posted on the
official publicly accessible Coast Guard web site. Other official information shall not be
posted to the commercial site