ENCL (1) COMDTINST 5230.58
U.S. Coast Guard IT Management Srategy
Version 1.0
June 1998
IT solutions. The goals of this strategy are to:
ensure the IT infrastructure is flexible and scaleable to
adapt to evolving mission requirements and surges in mission
ensure that information is protected at the appropriate
level as required by the nature of the information.
ensure that databases permit global access to corporate
ensure that all IT systems are built to enterprise standards.
Objective 3.1 - Develop, publish, and implement a cohesive,
flexible set of hardware, software, and interconnectivity standards.
Initiatives: Develop and promulgate Coast Guard Common Operating Environment
(COE) to include the Information System Technical Architecture
Develop Coast Guard application development standards. Develop a Coast
Objective 3.2 -
Ensure security and reliability considerations are at the forefront of all IT
Initiatives: Develop, promulgate and ensure compliance with enterprise security
Create and fund Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT).
Ensure all IT systems meet reliability standards.
Ensure all Coast Guard systems satisfy Y2K requirements.
Objective 3.3 - Implement a standardized Coast Guard systems development process.
Initiatives: Develop and promulgate Coast Guard Systems Development manual.
Develop an IT project managers handbook.
Include data, training, and support issues in all systems development
Objective 3.4 - Develop IT systems using Coast Guard data standards.
Initiatives: Complete Coast Guard data standardization.
Educate system developers and managers on existence and require
mandatory use of standard data dictionary and data elements.
Make data dictionary accessible to all users via automated means.
Objective 3.5 - Create and use a Coast Guard IT configuration management process.
Initiatives: Define roles and relationships of Coast Guard IT configuration
Management groups/boards.
Develop IT configuration management process as part of the IT CONOP.